Would you like to become invisible? What advantages and disadvantages do you foresee, if you did?

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Mounika replied | 02 Oct
Yes, I would like to become invisible, but only if I could get back to normal. It would be a unique and adventurous experience. I would be able to free people caught in the vicious circle of crime, help the police catch criminals and help the deprived sections of the society. I would not like to convert myself into an invisible creature forever as it would deprive me of all the benefits of being a human and my family and friends.If I take a firm stand as a citizen, I am sure I will be able to do all the things even when visible. It is just about how determined a person is.
Sasanka replied | 01 Oct
On first thoughts, I would like to become invisible. There are some questions which need to be answered before going for power. Do I get to control that?I assume yes because I would like to. The most significant advantage I see is I will get to know the true nature of people. The most significant disadvantage, I think, is also the same.Apart from these, I foresee many advantages like I can see places where I otherwise couldn't have gone. I can help people which I couldn't have done otherwise. The disadvantages include the fact that this, like any other power, is a burden and can lead to misuse of the power and will eventually lead to my downfall some time or other.

Would you like to become invisible? What advantages and disadvantages do you foresee, if you did?


First of all, this question will promote hypocrisy. Do not ask such questions to the student. If science has made any such kind of progress which can become invisible, then that person will become a great person by doing good work and even after death people will become God. We will worship like Baba Saheb worship Ambedkar. There is no shortage of devils in India who want to ruin the country by trapping the country in hypocrisy.
सबसे पहले यह प्रश्न पाखण्डवाद को बढ़ावा देगा इस प्रकार के प्रश्न स्टूडेंट से न पूछें अगर साइंस ने अगर तरक्की की इस प्रकार की कोई वस्तु बनाई जिससे अदृश्य हो सकते हैं तो वह इंसान अच्छे काम करके महान इंसान बन जायेगा और मरने के बाद भी लोग भगवान् की तरह पूजेंगे जैसे बाबा साहब अम्बेडकर को पूजते हैं नहीं भारत में शैतानो की कमी नहीं हैं जो देश को पाखंडवाद में फसाकर देश बर्बाद करना चाहते हैं. 


  1. Not satisfied with the answers

    1. Yes, I would like to become invisible but only if I could get back to normal. It would be a unique and adventurous experience. I would be able to free people caught in the vicious circle of crime, help the police catch criminals and help the deprived sections of the society.


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